Support For Teenagers
Teen Therapy: Individual Support For Teens in North Texas
Starting your teen in therapy is a great first step to guiding your child into becoming a mature and responsible adult. Our approach in working with teens is simple: the relationship is EVERYTHING! We have had success treating even the most resistant teens with our engaging and easy-going therapy style. As your teenager’s therapist, we will work with your child to understand their wants and needs and tailor the treatment in the way that your teen will best receive care.
Our style integrates relationship building and behavioral tools to help your teen manage his/her symptoms of anxiety, depression, and any other overwhelming emotions.
To schedule your in-person or virtual appointment, click here or complete the form below.

How Does Be Well Teen Counseling Work?
As your teen’s therapist, we will teach your teenager skills needed to self-soothe and learn how to manage emotions in any environment. We also aim to build awareness and reflection in teens to help them see how their behavior affects others in their lives. Through insight-oriented psychotherapy, your teen will have a better understanding of who they are and will develop an improved self-esteem at an age where identity and self-worth are constantly being tested.
If your teenager is having cold feet about working with a therapist, we would encourage you to share our blogs with them so they can have a better understanding of our style.
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