Support For Mothers

Mental Wellness Counseling for Mothers in North Texas

Being a mom can be such a blessing but at the same time it can be very scary. Whether you’re a single mom, a working mom, a stay at home mom; being a mom can be tough. Sometimes it’s hard to find a balance between mom-hood and just being a person. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming. You can feel a lot of anxiety. You might even get depressed. Here at Be Well Counseling we understand how it feels to be a mom, we understand how it feels to struggle with trying to find a balance. Here we help moms find a balance of mom-hood and me-hood.

We believe all new moms should attend therapy. There is no better space to grieve the loss of your old self while embracing the new life ahead. While those around you want to hold the baby, you too deserve to feel held.

What is Mental Wellness Counseling for Mothers?

Whether you, or those around you, believe you may be experiencing a perinatal mood disorder or you are seeking a therapist to help you through the adjustment to motherhood–I can help.
We specialize in working with new mothers who have unresolved trauma from a traumatic birth or prior upsetting life events.
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